Summer Reading Ideas and Booklists for Kids of All Ages

Summer Reading Ideas and Booklists for All Ages

Summer reading has been around for decades. “Back in the 1900s” like my kids like to say, we dutifully filled out summer reading logs, walked to the library weekly, and proudly took our pizza coupons to collect our pan of pizza at the end of the summer.

To be clear, I am not opposed to summer reading. I am however hugely opposed to reading feeling like a chore. 

A few years ago I wrote a post about my strong feelings that reading should not be assigned as homework. Summer reading programs often feel like the same thing to me. They turn what should be a fun, relaxing part of having more free time into work, a chore, something to get through. Ugh. 

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Summer Reading Ideas

So what do you do about summer reading? What should you do instead? I have a few thoughts.

First of all, I always think you should do what works for your family.

If your kids are excited and encouraged by the Summer Reading program at the library then by all means participate. The prizes have come along way from when I was a kid and sometimes my kids want to earn them. One library we used to live near gave away free books for every 5 or 10 books you read and I was all about that. You want to give my readers free books because they read? How do I sign up? However, if your kids don’t want to fill out a log or don’t find it incentivizing, I would not personally force them to participate. 

Instead, focus on making reading fun and easy at home.

My Storytime Corner Book Basket

8 Way to Encourage Reading this Summer and All Year Long

1. Figure out what kind of books your kids like. 

Not every kids wants to read classics like The Secret Garden or whatever won the Newberry award last year. Some kids only like nonfiction about animals. Some kids only want to read about super heroes. Some kids adore graphic novels. Some kids prefer short stories or poetry. Reading is reading. 

Need more convincing? Here are some articles about why graphic novels in particular “count” as reading:

Figuring out what kinds of books your kid likes can be hard, but it is worth the effort.

2. Have good books available. 

So many books. Borrow them from the library. Buy them. Borrow them from friends. Have options. Have them out, available, in all the rooms, ready to be read. There is zero secret that we love books if you come in our house. There are baskets of books in our living room, shelves of them in the office, stacks of them in the dining room, shelves in the bedrooms, books in the car. All the books. 

Booklists for Summer

3. Strew books

Once you figure out what your kid likes, casually gather armfuls of that kind of book at the library each week and leave them laying around for your kid to find. Now some kids enjoy getting book recommendations, but both of my twins like to discover books on their own. I not to casually leave books lying on the couch or tables in the open for them to “discover” frequently. Sometimes they ignore them or look at them and move on, but a lot of the time they end up reading them. If I had books directly to them though, especially my son, then he will refuse to read it. 

4. Limit screen time.

This can be a hard one, especially with teenagers, but I personally think that limiting screen time is a huge part of creating readers. However, it is important not to assign reading as a way to earn screen time. That makes books the chore and screens the reward. 

In our house, there is a specific screen time designated each day, especially in the summer when our schedule is more loose. After lunch, once their jobs are done (their actual chores like dusting and putting away laundry), then they can have screen time until a specific time. The rest of the time it is not an option. Maybe first thing in the day works better for you, or two slots one for tv or one for games. Again, do what works, but be consistent. 

5. Model Reading

Adult responsibilities are so different than that of our kids, but try to model what you want for them. You think it’s important for them to spend time outside, read, stay off screens…whatever that list is for you, then model that. Spend some time going for a walk, reading a book, playing a game with them or crafting instead of scrolling on your phone. 

6. Books on the Go

Listen to audiobooks in the car together. Bring books for when you’re stuck waiting for something. Ask your kid “do you want to bring a book or a game to play while we wait for INSERT ACTIVITY.” Don’t force, just invite. Those little reminders that books are an option.

7. Visit the Library 

Whether or not you decide to do the Summer Reading Program at the library – make visits a regular occasion. Maybe once a week, maybe every couple of weeks, go to the library together and then make time for reading afterwards. Maybe take your bags to a local coffee shop or the park. Maybe you just go home and all quietly delve into a book for a while. 

8. Try Hosting Family Book Club

If your kids are already readers, then having a summer family book club can be a fun way to read together. Make sure to take turns picking the books and start with a kid pick. No rules on books aside from assuring that it’s appropriate for all members of the family. If your kids wants everyone to read a graphic novel or a manga or nonfiction on bugs, go with it. Everyone reads the book independently, then make a special meal or have fun treats and talk about the book just like you would at an adult book club. 

Don’t Forget This Library Hack

Summer Reading Ideas and Booklists for All Ages

Also Read:
10 Easy Activities to Prevent Summer Slide
