Fairy tales are beloved classic stories for children around the world. There are countless alternative fairy tales or fairy tale adaptations (these are some of our favorites) and there are also picture books that travel through fairy tales. These books follow a character through their own story that weaves in multiple fairy tales or introduces them to fairy tale characters from different stories or sets you in a fairy tale world that includes elements from multiple stories. These are a ton of fun to fairy tale fans or kids who are familiar with many different fairy tales. Below are some awesome picture books that carry you through fairy tales in creative, beautiful, hilarious, and unique ways.
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1. A House for Mouse
by Gabby Dawnay
illustrated by Alex Barrow
When this darling little mouse sets out to find a new house his search takes him through a Fairy Tale land. I loved everything about this from the map on the opening pages to the gentle illustrations and humorous observations about fairy tales that flow through the book. This is a fun one to read aloud but also to curl up with and study closely.
2. The Jolly Postman
by Janet & Allan Ahlberg
THE JOLLY POSTMAN isn’t a new book. I actually have very vivid memories of my third grade teacher reading this aloud to us. It is however a book that holds up over time. My own kids enjoyed it just as much when I introduced them to it (and the Jolly Postman Christmas book is one of our annual Christmas favorites). This book carries you through the fairy tale world, following a postman delivering letters to different familiar characters. The letters are enclosed in envelopes you open and read – sort of interactive, lift the flap. It’s adorable, often funny.
3. Gotcha: A Funny Fairy Tale Hide-and-Seek
by Clotilde Perrin
A unique oversized, lift-the-flap book that carries you through several fairy tales as you attempt to avoid monsters. The monsters are quite frightful, but the whimsical glimpses inside various familiar homes is a fun escape.
4. The New LiBEARian
by Alison Donald
pictures by Alex Willmore
The kids are all ready for story time but their librarian is missing. When they search for her they find a bear in her place. This silly story only deals with Goldi Locks and the Three Bears but it’s a fun way to integrate a familiar tale into a story about the library.
5. The Princess and the Pit Stop
by Tom Angleberger
illustrated by Dan Santat
This one doesn’t feel as fairy tale-ish as some of the books on the list but it’s fun and fast paced and is teeming with fairy tale characters. The princess is in a race and she’s behind with one lap left. What I love most about this are Dan Santat’s illustrations and creative little details and the page that reminds me of the rainbow racetrack in Mario Cart.
6. A Cooked-Up Fairy Tale
by Penny Parker Klostermann
illustrated by Ben Mantle
A cooking theme puts a twist on the fairy tales in this fun alternative fairy tale. This one really made me think about the role food plays in so many of the fairy tales. It also tweaks the fairy tales in playful, often silly ways. A great read aloud.

7. I’m a Gnome!
by Jessica Peill-Meininghaus
illustrated by Poly Bernatene
As you can probably tell from the cover, this book is all about magical creatures. It doesn’t go through specific fairy tales but as you follow a gnome to the annual Gnome festival you go past the elves and the dwarfs and all the other magical creatures that will trigger memories of different tales. Along the way, he helps explain the difference between the characters you pass. The gnome as the narrator is playful and fun to read aloud and the illustrations are full of bright colors and larger than life fairy tale creatures. I love the pattern of the text and the summary ending that is made all the more humorous by the over the top illustrations. A book for kids who love gnomes or fairy tales or anyone who just loves a good story that makes you smile.
8. Franklin and Luna and the Book of Fairy Tales
by Jen Campbell
illustrated by Katie Harnett
When Luna’s pet tortoise disappears into an old book Franklin and Luna don’t have a choice but to follow. They land in the world of fairy tales where they bump into witches with spindles and pigs building a hotel and a yawning princess. I love that kids can spot their favorite fairy tales as they turn the pages, but also that some characters are not what they seem. As the wolf says “You shouldn’t believe all that you read, you know.” This book is playful and full of little cute twists that make it such an adventure to read. Without a doubt my favorite Franklin and Luna book to date.
9. Endlessly Ever After
by Laurel Snyder
illustrated by Dan Santat
A fairy tale choose your own adventure. I loved this type of book as a kid and playing with that format in a picture book with melded fairy tales is a clever concept. Little Red Riding Hood, Jack, Hansel and Gretel, Sleeping Beauty, Snow White, and more are all included. A great mash up of author and illustrator and a fun book that leaves the fate of the fairy tale heroine in your hands.
Middle Grade Bonus Suggestion: Land of Stories series
by Chris Colfer
Ready for a chapter book romp through the fairy tales you know and love? I highly recommend the LAND OF STORIES series. They are about twin siblings who discover a book that transports them to the Land of Stories where all the characters from books they’ve read are actually alive and living in a land they could only have imagined. It’s fantastical, humorous and full of action. They’re also good as audiobooks.