Summer is here and with it comes piles of books. This summer might feel a little different but reading will still be a big part of it – at least something is just like other years.
There are dozens of beach reads and must reads and can’t miss-es for adults to enjoy this summer that have seen to my piles, but what about the kids?
Summer also means diving into picture books that are full of sticky ice cream and sunshine. Picture books that remind me of childhood and old favorites I can’t wait to read aloud to my squirmy listeners.
What are the best picture books for preschoolers about summer? The ones that you can read over and over out loud because your kids beg you to but also because they remind you of your own carefree childhood summers?
These are the ones I’ve listed below. Our summer children book favorites, but also some new authors to explore and new reading ideas to make this the best summer reading adventure yet.
So, dive in and share you favorites – from the list or whatever else you enjoy to #aReadaDay so we can all add to our must read next list!
Also a note to my dear southern hemisphere #areadaday members. I realize that it isn’t ice cream licking, sunscreen wearing season down there so feel free to adapt this list however you must to make it work for you. I tried to make it more general so that most of it will apply to anyone anywhere – but where it doesn’t feel free to add/subtract/alter however you need.
Don’t forget to download your printable booklist! And now…on to the books!
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21 Picture Books Ideas for Summer
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1. And Then Comes Summer
by Tom Brenner
illustrated by Jaime Kim
Doesn’t this cheerful cover kind of say it all? This book overflows with the simple joys of a childhood summer.

2. Here Comes Ocean
by Meg Fleming
illustrated by Paola Zakimi
A little adventure at the beach. This is the perfect summer story to read with little ones. The text has delightful repetition and rhyme that depict a quiet day at the beach. The everyday little joys and discoveries are so well captured with the words and soft illustrations of this book. It also ends with a good night ocean which makes it perfect for a bedtime story as well. Sweet from start to finish.

3. One Hot Summer Day
by Nina Crews
A sizzling hot summer day in the city comes to life on these pages. Summer in the city looks different in many ways from summer in the country and I love how this celebrates an ordinary summer day in the city. This brings back all the memories about our New York City summers.

4. Hurry Up!: A Book about Slowing Down
by Kate Dopirak
illustrated by Christopher Silas Neal
If this felt timely when it was written, and I’m sure it did, it has even grown even more so with the pandemic. This is a discussion about our society’s urge to constantly hurry up and a little encouragement to slow down. With brief text that lends itself well to being read aloud and bright, cheerful illustrations this is a great one for story times or read together at home. I love the way it celebrates the things you see and notice when you slow down a little. A book for now definitely, but a good reminder to carry into the world as we start to feel compelled to hurry up again as well.

5. The Watermelon Seed
by Greg Pizzoli
What would happen if you swallowed a watermelon seed? This must be my all time favorite summer read aloud. Watermelon = summer to me and this book is just hilarious.

6. Jules Vs. The Ocean
Jessie Sima
I loved this adorable story about Jules who is trying to impress her busy, older sister with the most amazing sand castle ever. The ocean has other ideas. I love the bright, sun filled illustrations. I love the relatable story. And I love how in the end the ocean brings the two sisters together. A great summer time story to share aloud.

7. The Little Mouse, The Red Ripe Strawberry and the Big Hungry Bear
by Don and Audrey Wood
Two in a row because this is another fantastic book to read aloud. This is a classic. If you haven’t already – buy it and read over and over and over again today!

8. Ice Cream Summer
by Peter Sis
This is one we recently discovered and I’m a huge fan of the bright illustrations. If you love ice cream you’ll love this one.

9. Backseat A-B-See
by Maria Van Lieshout
This is my favorite board book to come out in the past few years and one of the best children’s books about road trips period. Maria Van Lieshout is a true children’s book genius.

10. Sun
by Carol Thompson
This is part of a series of board books about kids and weather. There is also a Snow, Rain, and Wind one. They are all a celebration of simple joys whatever the weather.

11. Maisy Learns to Swim
By Lucy Cousins
I think Cousins does such a good job with the Maisy First Experiences books. They are all simple, positive, and fun. There is something to be said about the comfort of familiar characters facing new experiences right alongside you.

12. A Day at the Lake
by Stephanie Wallingford and Dawn Rynders
I grew up a mile from Lake Michigan and my kids were born in Minnesota – the Land of Lakes…I never imagined there were so few books about lakes for kids until I started looking. If you know of a great one – please share! – but this one does a good job of capturing the joy of a day at the lake.

13. Picnic
By Emily Arnold McCully
This gentle wordless book is a favorite from my childhood and stands the test of time perfectly. It is the story of a family of mice who head out for a picnic and the simple adventures that go along with their day.

14. Down to the Sea with Mr Magee
by Chris Van Dusen
Only Mr Magee and his faithful sidekick Dee can take a simple boat ride and turn it into a laugh out loud, over the top adventure.

15. Blueberries for Sal
by Robert McCloskey
One of our readaday group members reminded me about this classic recently and I had to dig out my copy to share it with my kids again. This one reminds me of Maine and summer and freshly picked blueberries.

16. Prairie Days
by Patricia MacLachlan
illustrated by Micha Archer
A truly stunning book about life on the prairie. Written in short, but lyrical phrases this book is beautiful to read aloud but oh the pictures. The illustrations are incredible. Glowing and textured and so loving in the way that they capture long, slow days in the country. If you need a lot of action or humor in your books then this is not for you, but I loved it.

17. Pool Party
by Doreen Cronin and Betsy Lewin
If you’re looking for a book for your new reader to enjoy this summer then this is the book for you. It is a simple, silly story with repetitive text and illustrations that help fill in any potentially confusing words. It also works as an early math book for toddlers to count or for kindergartners to do a little simple addition and subtraction on your lap. Playful, cheerful, and perfect for summer.

18. Sea Sheep
by Eric Seltzer
illustrated by Tom Disbury
This is another great summer book for kids at the Easy Reader stage. It is shorter and slightly less complex than POOL PARTY above. It is about sheep that enjoy the ocean. I think the silly sheep illustrations are my favorite part. Another fun summer read for new readers.

19. Bubbles…Up!
by Jacqueline Davies
illustrated by Sonia Sanchez
Fantastic summery fun. BUBBLES…UP! captures a summer day at the pool with delicious words and action. Jacqueline Davies’ text is lyrical and energetic. Sonia Sanchez’s illustrations which first drew me into this one do not disappoint. They are full of that same energy. They pop with texture and surprises. This book is such a fun celebration of swimming and the every day pleasures of a summer day.
20. A Day for Sandcastles
by JonArno Lawson
illustrated by Qin Leng
Every now and then you read a book and you just feel seen. Your experience is so perfectly captured. A DAY FOR SANDCASTLES does that for me about a childhood day at the beach. The story is essentially just siblings trying to build a sand castle. All the things that you expect to go wrong with that go wrong. For me it’s the details. The way wind plays such a factor in so many of the illustrations. The seagulls trying to take their lunch. This is a wordless book and the illustrations manage all on their own to make you feel, experience, remember. A beautiful picture book for summer.
21. Hot Dog
by Doug Salati
Love this summery picture book. It is told in snappy, action filled phrases and illustrations that carry much of the story. The reader follows a dog through the city and out to the beach on a hot, summer day. A perfect book to read aloud on a summer day.