What happens when a bookworm marries a game dork? You have a house full of both. The formula for a happy marriage in my house is that he doesn’t question my alarming book buying and borrowing habits and I don’t question the consistent arrival of new games. Our kids love both books and games equally. The happy biproduct of living in a home surrounded by both.
Naturally, when we are brain storming gifts – books and games are often the first thing to come to mind.
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# Book and Game Pairings
If you’re trying to come up with a gift idea for a kid, I truly don’t think you can go wrong with a book and a game. For bonus points, try gifting a pairing that speaks to who they are. Below are some Book and Game Pairings based on some of our absolute favorite books and games and who I think they would be excellent gifts for in your life.
1. For the Active Preschooler
You know the kid. The one who doesn’t sit still. They’re full of energy and curiosity and great questions. Funnel that energy into a slightly more focused activity with this book and game pairing.
Don’t Push the Button! by Bill Cotter
Well you tell a kid not to push a button and that is of course all they are going to want to do. Knowing that, Cotter has created a funny book playing to this childhood truth. This one reminds me a lot of the classic There’s a Monster at the End of this Book which is less interactive but also a hoot if you haven’t already read it. Bill Cotter also wrote Don’t Touch This Book. This is on a list of interactive books, so there are 9 other suggestions if this one doesn’t feel perfect for you.
Feed the Woozle Game
This is an active, up on your feet game that is great for active kids. It’s also cooperative, easy, and only takes about 15 minutes to complete.
2. Early Elementary School Kids
Start with an Easy Reader like FUN WITH ED AND FRED. This books is hilarious, way better than any Dr. Seuss, and manages to cleverly use 50 sight words. There are three in this series and they are perfect for new readers.
Cauldron Quest is a perfect game for this same age group. I don’t think you can really go wrong with any of the games from Peaceable Kingdom, but this was a favorite in our house when my kids were in kindergarten until about second grade. Fun, quick, and cooperative.
3. For the Harry Potter Fan

The Illustrated Harry Potter books are extraordinary. This is the cover from the first one. The fifth one was just released this year and it’s on our Christmas wishlist.
Order: First Book in the Series or Fifth one (or of course any of the ones in between!)
It took me a while to figure out which game to pair this one with because there are actually a lot of good Harry Potter games. We like the Harry Potter Sequence, the Harry Potter Clue is surprisingly fun – just the right amount of twists, but this is the one that my daughter, our Harry Potter fan, loves the most right now. It’s quick, it’s easy to learn, you can play it with two people or a group, and it’s a little deck of cards you can bring with you.
Order Harry Potter Who Is it?
4. For the kid who loves animals
Order Planets game
5. For the kid mid- to later-elementary schoolers who just loves to laugh

APPLE CRUSH is another good option. Not as goofy. More of a gentle, sweet humor. It is the companion to STEPPING STONES which is one of my daughter’s all-time favorite graphic novels.
I have two fun game options as well. Happy Salmon is a super fast group game. It’s high energy, on your feet fun.
Order Happy Salmon
Farting Frenchies is comical but also an easy strategic game that’s good for a range of ages. It’s super easy to learn and not as quick as Happy Salmon, but still only takes about 15 minutes to play.
Order Farting Frenchies
6. For kids who love outerspace
How’d I do?
What books would you pair with which games? What kid are you shopping for that I missed? Let me know in the comments!