Haiku is a Japanese form of poetry with specific rules. As part of National Poetry Month we are exploring haiku in our fourth grade homeschool. Haiku is a poetry form with three lines and a specific number of syllables in each line. The lines should have 5, 7, and 5 syllables respectively.
Below are the children’s poetry collections, picture books, and haiku writing activities that we’re using.
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Haiku Books for Kids
This is not a full list of haiku books for kids by any stretch. If you have more awesome recommendations for us I would love to hear about them in the comments! These are the ones that we have read and loved.

If Not for the Cat
Haiku by Jack Prelutsky
paintings by Ted Rand
This is a collection of haiku and paintings about animals. Find Online

The Cuckoo’s Haiku and Other Birding Poems
by Michael J. Rosen
illustrated by Stan Fellows
Bird fans? This is for you. All different kinds of birds are included in this collection of Haiku poems. Find Online

Guyku: A Year of Haiku for Boys
by Bob Raczka & Peter H. Reynolds
This is a fun collection of playful haiku about ordinary, playful things. Find Online

Spi-Ku: A Clutter of Short Verse on Eight Legs
written by Leslie Bulion
illustrated by Robert Meganck
This is not just haiku poems, but there are a large number included in this interesting book about spiders. I’m going to be honest, I’m a little (read a huge bit) terrified of spiders, so this isn’t the ideal book for me. But for the right kids it is well written, has interesting information, and fun art. Find Online

Today and Today
by Issa
pictures by G. Brian Karas
This is a sweet collection of haikus about the different seasons. I love the illustrations by G. Brian Karas – he’s one of my favorites and they combine interesting materials in this book. Find Online

by Andrew Clements
This is such a cute picture book about a stray dog who wants a family. The whole thing is told in haiku. Find Online
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20+ Children’s Books for National Poetry Month
Haiku Activities
These are a collection of resources about haiku writing. Some of these are general – templates, writing activities, things you can use any time of the year. I have separated out some resources that are for specific days, like Mother’s Day.
General Activities
- Haiku Writing Template from Sprouting Learners. This is the most basic haiku writing template. I printed off a bunch of these.
- Haiku Freebie from Inspired Elementary. Good general printables.
- Poetry Frames for Cinquain, Haiku, and Diamante from Sunshine and Lollipops. These are great if you want to compare and contrast a few different kinds of poetry with specific structures.
- 4 Tips for Teaching Haiku Poetry from The Butterfly Teacher has some great tips.
- Haiku Time from Outside the Box. I like that this one included a grading rubric.
- Haiku from KidZone. This has a lot of fun Haiku ideas. We are using the What am I? haiku portion.
- A Haiku for Me and for You from Better Lesson. I love how this poetry lesson plan combines listening to music, writing a haiku, and creating art.
Holiday Specific Activities
- Earth Day Haiku from Keep Your Chin Up
- World Water Day Poetry Freebie from Cathy Ruth. This has both Acrostic and Haiku ideas for Water Day.
- Mother’s Day Flower and Haiku Project from UnCommon Core Curriculum. This is a cute idea for Mother’s Day.
- Spring Haiku Rhythm Activity from The Musical Rose. This is haiku based on music notes which was unique. It says Spring and has Spring graphic on it, but otherwise it could be used any time of the year.