Finding a new favorite book is one of my favorite things. Those books that you read and when you close the back cover you sigh in contentment. Or you have a big smile on your face. Or your kid bounces up and down and says “read it again!”
Obviously the book doesn’t have to be actually new new, it can just be new to you, but so many amazing NEW children’s books came out in 2018.
I started this list in January. Every time we found a new book that we adored, that made us laugh out loud, that made me teary eyed or that we just absolutely had to add to our collection to read again and again – those books went on this list.
It is a list of all the children’s books in 2018 that we absolutely love.
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40 Must Read Children’s Books
Released in 2018
I have divided the lists below to hopefully make it easier to navigate or find the best books for you. The children’s books are divided into Board Books, Fiction Picture Books, Non-Fiction Picture Books, Easy Readers/Early Chapter Books, Middle Grade Books.
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Board Books

In the Rain
by Elizabeth Spurr
This sweet little book is perfect in the way it captures the every day. I also love the illustrations, the simplicity of a magical moment in the rain, and the introduction to great vocabulary.

Chomp Goes the Alligator
by Matthew Van Fleet
This is another fun interactive book from Matthew Van Fleet (Bestselling creator of TAILS and DOG). On the surface, it is a fun board book about a hungry alligator chomping his way through the swamp. Toddlers will find this book irresistible to touch and fun to read again and again. If you look closely however there is so much happening on each page. This is a counting book, a pull tab book, a touch and feel book, a colors book, a swamp animals book, and a fun repetitive read aloud. A cheerful, colorful book with so much learning potential that your kids will want to read again and again…is there anything better?

Bigger! Bigger!
by Leslie Patricelli
This adorable book is technically a picture book, but is perfect for the board book crowd. It has very few words and they are often repetitive. It follows a little girl building and imagining. The story is cute and relate-able for toddlers. Leslie Patricelli has many wonderful books, including two others in this series, to also read with toddlers if you haven’t already.
Picture Books – Fiction

The Rabbit Listened by Cori Doerrfeld
This is one of the sweetest books I have read in a long time. The overall message is sometimes all we really need is simply someone to listen.

by Matt de la Pena
Beautiful story, beautiful pictures, beautiful message about love.

I’m Sad
by Michael Ian Black
illustrated by Debbie Ridpath Ohi
I love the way this book discusses the feeling of sad. So often we tell kids to just ‘buck up’ or ‘you’re fine’ but in truth, we should be allowed to have all of our feelings. Sometimes you are sad and that’s okay for right now.

We Don’t Eat Our Classmates
by Ryan T. Higgins
This book about the first day of school and making friends made us laugh out loud. Being a T-Rex in a classroom of delicious children poses a unique problem for well-intentioned Penelope. A wonderful discussion about empathy and differences with plenty of well written comedy.

by Jez Alborough
From the creator of HUG, this adorable book follows Bobo as his mom attempts him to get him to go to sleep.

If Wendell Had a Walrus
by Lori Mortensen.
Illustrated by Matt Phelan
Cute is the word I would use to describe this book. A little boy, full of imagination, imagines what he’d do with a pet walrus. Full of problem solving and initiative and playfulness and friendship.

Julian is a Mermaid
by Jessica Love
Oh I love this. The illustrations are magical, but what I really love about it is the way Julian’s grandma just unconditionally accepts the mess and the creativity and the unexpected choice her grandson makes. A book about real love and being who you are. Fantastic.

Can I Be Your Dog?
by Troy Cummings
This book is beyond adorable. A sweet, happy puppy just wants a home. Written entirely in letter form, the dog makes his case to one neighbor after another until he finds an unexpected, but welcome home.

I Feel Teal
by Lauren Rille.
Illustrated by Aimee Sicuro
The illustrations are gorgeous and I think that is what first drew me into this book. The text takes a few pages to get into. I think it grabbed me somewhere around “You’re every golden, warmy shade.” I love the discussion of colors. I especially love that many of the colors are shades that are rarely if ever discussed with children. English is a wide and delicious language and I love books that aren’t over complicated but share a broad use of the language with children. I also love the overall message that we are all a spectrum of colors, or palate as the author says, and it is all of those colors and emotions that make us who we are. Beautiful book with a beautiful message.

A House for Mouse
by Gabby Dawnay.
illustrated by Alex Barrow
When this darling little mouse sets out to find a new house his search takes him through a Fairy Tale land. I loved everything about this from the map on the opening pages to the gentle illustrations and humorous observations about fairy tales that flow through the book. This is a fun one to read aloud but also to curl up with and study closely.

A Dog Named Doug
by Karma Wilson
illustrated by Matt Myers
This is a book kids will love. My own kids had me reading it on repeat for the first few weeks we had it and it’s still a favorite read aloud month’s later. Karma Wilson (author of the beloved Bear Snores On books) has a magical gift for words. The way she plays with words and sounds and rhyme is nothing short of genius. Matt Myers (also a bestselling illustrator) adds to the hilarity with his comical and often over the top illustrations. A fun ride.

Ebenezer Has a Word for Everything
by Chelsea Rowe
illustrated by Frank Dormer
This is such a heartwarming story of words and friendship. When I picked it up my initial thought was “I feel like I’ve read this before” but NO! There are many good stories about words, but this one pairs that love of words with a message about friendship that is just perfection. Rowe has placed so many wonderful lines on these pages and her character is someone so easy to root for and love. An absolute must read.

Little Whale
by Jo Weaver
Oh I love this. I am the first to admit that when it comes to books about whales I may be a bit of a softy, but this is beautiful. This is the story of a Gray Whale and her baby migrating North. Gray Whales are known for having the longest annual migration of any animals and the fact that a whale and her new baby do this together is fascinating and impressive. This story has brief text that could be shared with younger kids, but also depth and beauty that older children would appreciate as well. A powerful story about parental love, perseverance, and these incredible animals.

The Great Dictionary Caper
by Judy Sierra
illustrated by Eric Comstock
This book is a blast for word nerds. The words have all escaped the dictionary in this zany story and are having quite the wordish event. Each page has a group of different kinds of words like palindromes having a family reunion or action verbs showing off. A great book to share with early elementary schoolers or just to read for a rollicking good time.

Little Brothers & Little Sisters
by Monica Arnaldo
I’m not a little sister or brother so I guess I can’t say this with 100% accuracy, but I’m pretty sure Monica Arnaldo nailed this one. The plight of the little sibling is described with humor and honesty. It is sparse. It is amusing. This is simplistic perfection.

Want to Play Trucks?
by Ann Stott
illustrated by Bob Graham
I applaud Ann Stott for writing a book about a boy who does quote “girl things” and that’s ok. This is the story of two boys who are friends. One likes trucks, the other likes dolls. They learn to navigate their differences and play together. All of this is illustrated with Bob Graham’s gentle watercolors. It is a great story about compromise and negotiating with a friend. It also is one of the only stories I’ve ever read that gives boys permission to play with and like whatever they want.

Harriet Gets Carried Away
by Jessie Sima
A must-read story about imagination. A little girl who loves costumes lets her imagination run wild and has the most extraordinary adventure. Harriet is a witty, strong character and I love the warm, natural way her two dads are depicted. Cleverly written, great page turns, and a fun one to read aloud.

A Big Mooncake for Little Star
by Grace Lin
What a clever book. I love the story and I love the creative way the moon phases is woven into this story. The illustrations are incredible, the story is sweet. This book would be wonderful to share with anyone, but I also see huge education potential for tying this into a lesson or unit about the moon or space.

I Am Human: A Book of Empathy
by Susan Verde
illustrated by Peter H. Reynolds
I love the spirit of this story. It is full of the ups and downs that make a complete human but in the end it is full of light and hope. A book to cling to as we head into a new year.
Picture Books – Non-Fiction

The Big Book of the Blue
by Yuval Zommer
I’m obsessed with this book. I shared a peak inside on my Instagram stories. If you are an ocean or underwater animals fan – this is a beautiful book.

Counting on Katherine
by Helaine Becker
There have been a lot of versions of this story, but I enjoyed this one. I loved the discussion of math and women.

How to Code a Sandcastle
by Josh Funk
illustrated by Sara Palacios
This is a super cute book that could be put in the fiction part as well. The emphasis is on coding though and it gives a great, clear example of what coding can accomplish in a setting just about anyone can understand.

Mae Among the Stars
by Roda Ahmed
I like that this story focuses just on the childhood story about Mae wanting to become an astronaut and learning to believe in herself even when others didn’t. Mae Jemison is an impressive person and certainly many books could be written about her life and career, but I think this is a story that kids need to hear regardless of what they hope to become some day.

Countdown: 2979 Days to the Moon
by Suzanne Slade
illustrated by Thomas Gonzalez
This is a stunning and thorough look at the Apollo Missions to the moon. The thick book starts with JFK’s dream and follows Apollo’s 1 through 11 over the 2979 days until Armstrong’s famous words. The text is lengthy, but well paced and often suspenseful. The illustrations are gorgeous paintings. And interspersed are real photos, quotes, and stats on the astronauts. If you are, or have a child who is, a fan of outer space then this is a book you must have on your shelf.

World’s Strangest Series
by Lonely Planet Kids
This series is incredible and a must read for kids who love learning new, quirky things. The series includes the Top 40 strangest PLACES, PREDATORS, CREEPY-CRAWLIES, and OCEAN BEASTS. Each of them are full of their own collection of oddities that range from beautiful, curious, to just plain weird. Gorgeous photos. Interesting information. A completely fascinating series.

How Airports Work
by Clive Gifford
illustrated by James Gulliver Hancock
This book is SO cool. It shows you every inch of the airport. My kids love the detailed illustrations and the pages that open up allowing you to peek behind the scenes at the airport. Learn where your baggage goes, what happens in the control tower, and so much more. This is for kids who ask all the questions. For the kids who are dying to know how things work, what all those workers are doing, and what happens behind all the closed doors. A great book to read before you go on a flight or for any kid who loves airplanes.

Why Can’t I Feel the Earth Spinning & Other Vital Questions About Science
by James Doyle
If you have a kid who loves to ask questions, who loves to know how things work, who likes learning factoids and then sharing them – this is a book to put in their hands. I love the question and answer format. I love the wide breath of topics. This covers things from dinosaurs to bodies to oceans to outer space and is full of interesting information. The questions range from interesting to comical, but they are all ones I can see coming from a child. I found myself saying “that’s a great question!” page after page. The answers are clear and conversational. Kids who love science and learning about their world will love this book.

Mice in the City: Around the World
by Ami Shin
Think Where’s Waldo going around the world but Waldo is an adorable little mouse. In fact the illustrations are teeming with completely adorable little mice. My favorite part however is that the list of things to look for on each page is on your passport at the top of the page. Simple, but such a cute little detail. A great absorbing book for kids who love to look and find….or as the cover says “hide-and-squeak.”

Astronaut Aquanaut
by Jennifer Swanson
This is such a cool book. I had never considered how similar space travel and undersea travel were similar before but as soon as I read the introduction it seemed so obvious. Outer Space and the Ocean are the two favorite things in our house so realizing that they have so much in common and finding this incredible book that covers them both is amazing. I love the incredible photographs throughout the book, the creative activity ideas, the many comparisons between the two kinds of travel and so much more. Our favorite chapter starts with the pictures of living areas in a space habitat and sea habitat. The concepts of living and working in these two environments is fascinating and the facts Swanson chose to include are absorbing. The text is dense so I definitely recommend this one for 6 and up, but for a space fan or ocean fan it is a must read.

The Skies Above My Eyes
by Charlotte Guillain
illustrated by Yuval Zommer
This definitely wins the award for most creative book I have read this year. The entire book folds out into a huge, tall spread illustrated with mesmerizing details and illustrations that go from a little girl up, up, up into outer space. On one side it shows a little girl in the city looking up at the expansive sky. On the other side, the little girl is out in the country lying on her back looking way up into the sky. The only downside that I can see is that this format is a little hard to share with a group, but wow is it stunning. The way it captures the expanse of what’s above us is inspiring.

Between the Lines: How Ernie Barnes Went from the Football Field to the Art Gallery
by Sandra Neil Wallace
illustrated by Bryan Collier
Such an inspiring biography of Ernie Barnes. Picking it up I had no idea who Ernie Barnes was but the combination of football field and art gallery was so intriguing I couldn’t resist. His story is an inspiring one for African Americans and a statement about the importance of children being able to see themselves reflected in art, but it is more than that. It is also a story for everyone about following your dreams and doing what you feel you are meant to do, despite what other around you might think. A well told, beautifully illustrated story of a fascinating life.

Mapping Sam
by Joyce Hesselberth
Possibly the best introduction to maps I have ever found in picture book format. This book follows Sam the cat on her nightly neighborhood adventures. Along the way it offers a comprehensive and interesting explanation of maps.

Otis and Will Discover the Deep: The Record-Setting Dive of the Bathysphere
Written by Barb Rosenstock
Illustrated by Katherine Roy
The suspense and wonder and effort of discovery are all so well captured in this book. This is the story of the Bathysphere’s record setting dive into the ocean in 1930. It is the story of two men who formed a somewhat unlikely partnership and together saw something no one else had ever seen. It’s maybe a lame word but the best way I can describe this book and this story is that it is just so cool.
Easy Readers / Early Chapter Books

King & Kayla Series
by Dori Hillestad Butler
This is a darling new series of early chapter books. They are simple little mysteries starring a girl and her dog.

Peanut Butter and Jelly: A Narwhal and Jelly Book
by Ben Clanton
We love the Narwhal and Jelly books. This is the latest and is just as cute and fun as the rest.

Anne Arrives
by Kallie George
illustrated by Abigail Halpin
I can’t resist anything Anne. This pretty little chapter book inspired by Anne of Green Gables is a wonderful intro to the real deal. It takes the general plot from the first few chapters of the actual novel and tells it in an abbreviated way appropriate for a short chapter book. Picky Anne fan that I am there are a few things that I would change, but it certainly captures the spirit of the book and the illustrations are beautiful. I was thrilled to put this in the hands of my 7 year olds.
Middle Grade Books

Out of Left Field
by Ellen Klages
I loved this book. I don’t review much middle grade but for some reason took a chance and accepted this one and it was awesome. You can read my full review on GOODREADS where I blab on and on about how amazing it is. But wow. So much is in this book and it’s so good.

I just want to thank you for all of the wonderful books and ideas that you write about. I look forward to reading your posts.
Thanks so much Sheila. I hope you found some new future favorites here. There were so many amazing new books in 2018.