Kids love children’s books that make them laugh. Kids love to laugh. Writing a truly funny children’s book that will leave kids giggling and laughing and begging to reread the book is such a gift. It is truly hard to be funny. The women and men that wrote and illustrated the books below do humor so well.
This is not a list of ALL the funny books. There are certainly more. Many more. These are however a diverse collection of children’s books that have made us laugh out loud. Some are brand new, some are much older, but they are all guaranteed to make your little ones laugh.
I’d love to hear about your favorite funny book in the comments. Is it on this list? What hilarious children’s book did I miss that you love? Let me know!
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Why Did the Chicken Cross the Road?
by a whole bunch of famous illustrators
This book is as hilarious as it is diverse. It is not your classic picture book but it’s so much fun and since it’s based on one of the most classic jokes around it’s also funny. A group of amazing illustrators from Chris Raschka to David Shannon to Jerry Pinkney to Mo Willems got together to each answer the age old question: Why did the chicken cross the road?

Knock Knock
by Tammi Sauer
illustrated by Guy Francis
This is really cute. Around the time my twins went to first grade they became obsessed with knock knock jokes. This is a book to put in the hands of or read aloud to kids in that stage. They will love it and spend the next few weeks repeating all the jokes. Sauer hit it on the head with the corny knock knock jokes perfectly worked into a story about hibernation.

If You Ever Want to Bring a Piano to the Beach, Don’t!
by Elise Parsley
You’ve been there right? You’re trying to get out the door and your child announces that they want to bring something ridiculous with you on your excursion. You run through the concerns – it’s going to get lost or broken – but your child isn’t convinced and the next thing you know they are dragging a piano to the beach.

Duck! Rabbit!
by Amy Krouse Rosenthal & Tom Lichtenheld
It’s a duck! It’s a rabbit! Which side will you be on in this laugh out loud silly book about different perspectives.

I’m Trying to Love Spiders by Bethany Barton
You don’t like spiders? Neither do I and, in fact, neither does the author. She does however write a hilarious and surprisingly fact filled book about these little crawly fellows. Arachnid enthusiasts and everyone else will love this hilarious read aloud. If you love this one, there are several others in the series.

Little Red and the Very Hungry Lion
by Alex T. Smith
This version of Little Red is laugh-out-loud funny. Instead of a wolf, it’s a bear. Instead of a sick grandma, it’s a spot covered aunt. Instead of a forest, it’s a safari. Otherwise, you know the story – you have just never heard it told quite like this.

Can Somebody Please Scratch My Back?
Written by Jory John
Illustrated by Liz Climo
Elephant has an itch in the middle of his back that he can reach. Comical book about a line of animals who can’t seem to scratch his itch.

I Don’t Want to Go to Sleep
by Dev Petty
illustrated by Mike Boldt
Oh Frog is just one of those characters it is so easy to love. In this one he learns from wise old owl that instead of enjoying the upcoming winter he has to hibernate in the mud under the pond like all the other frogs. The dialogue is so much fun to read aloud and along the way you learn a little about different animals that hibernate. A great book to read aloud and guaranteed to get laughs. All of the books in the series are hilarious.

Abner & Ian Get Right-Side Up
by Dave Eggers
art by Laura Park
Oh this is fun. It’s kind of a cross between DON’T LET THE PIGEON DRIVE THE BUS and PRESS HERE. Interactive, humorous dialogue, inventive. Guaranteed to make you giggle.
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Rescuing Mrs. Birdley
by Aaron Reynolds
illustrated by Emma Reynolds
This is a seriously funny book. I think all kids who have seen their teacher outside of school will relate to that feeling of surprise and confusing. Clearly they are not in the right place!? Miranda, the heroine of this tale, is a nature expert and she knows just what to do. Following the tactics she has learned from her favorite nature show, she attempts to capture and return her teacher to her nature habitat, the classroom. Outrageous in concept and execution, this is sure to be a read aloud favorite.